11.01 — 15.02.2009
‘23 Incidents’
by Iben west & Hans Hansen
Frame Project
23 short essays, observations, animations, abstract constructions, micro symphonies, stagnations, voids or noise. The movies can be seen separately or as a unified whole.
For several years Hans Hansen (composer) and Iben West (visuals) have been exploring how sound affects visuals and vice versa, making the two expressions supplement each other and thereby creating a new third meaning. In a close collaboration the accurate digitally programmed is combined with the analog improvisations. Together Hans Hansen and Iben West have composed for theatre, modern dance companies, art installations, movies and live performances at club venues.
Contact: art@senko.dk
Follow: @sergeisviatchenko_
© Sergei Sviatchenko. All Rights Reserved.
© Sergei Sviatchenko. All Rights Reserved.
Contact: art@postkasse.com