10.10 — 15.11.2009
by Ole Bak Jakobsen
Studio Project
Viborg is a small Danish town, and Viborg is “a hole in the ground”. This is one of the stories be- hind Ole Bak Jakobsens new art-project VIBORG. Another story is the one that insists to stage Viborg as an artistic and cultural center. The show in Senko Studio is situated in between these two stories.
However absurd the second one sounds, it is probably not more constructed than the one about the “hole in the ground”.
Ole Bak Jakobsen works with conceptual art in a cross-field between different media - video, photo, installation, drawings and text.
Contact: art@senko.dk
Follow: @sergeisviatchenko_
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© Sergei Sviatchenko. All Rights Reserved.
Contact: art@postkasse.com